
Image of Student receiving medical support

Support and welfare

We're committed to the welfare of our students and aim to make sure that everyone is properly supported.

A range of welfare support is offered by the , the , , the , and other sources.


We have a team of Tutors who are available to listen about any non-academic issues and to signpost the most appropriate help available to address your needs. You’re welcome to contact whichever of the Tutors you feel most comfortable speaking to. Each Tutor runs a weekly drop-in welfare session, and you can also request appointments with them. There is always one of the Tutors on call during term to provide support in urgent situations.

Alongside the Tutors, we have an Accessibility and Disability Tutor who liaises with the Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre of the University to support disabled students. The work of the Tutors is supported by Ethnic and Religious Minorities Welfare Contacts.

Mental health

The College has a dedicated in-house Mental Health Nurse with drop-in sessions or pre-booked appointments available. The nurse can offer confidential support, assessments, and advice on a range of mental health and wellbeing concerns, from academic stress to emotional difficulties. Please email the Mental Health Nurse to arrange an appointment in advance. Alternatively, the Mental Health nurse runs drop-in sessions; students can find out details of opening hours and locations on JNet, the College intranet. The Mental Health Nurse can help you find more specialist or long-term support if needed for severe mental health issues or crisis interventions. We can offer financial support to help cover any costs this might entail.

You can also use the free  for individual counselling, groups, and workshops, or to make an appointment with the sexual assault and harassment or the racial harassment advisors.

Physical health

We have a dedicated College Nurse, based onsite, who holds regular surgeries during term time.

During term time the College Nurse works in the Health Centre in Library Court, offering medical and general welfare advice and support. Students can find out details of opening hours and locations on JNet, the College intranet; you can drop in during set sessions, or arrange an appointment in advance, to talk through any medical issues or worries in confidence. Sessions with the College Nurse are free for everyone in College.

Our College physiotherapist can provide help and advice for a range of needs, from injuries, to sports, mobility, or postural pains. Sessions arranged with the physiotherapist via the College nurse are free for students.

Financial Support

We can also provide financial support if you are struggling with money. We have a dedicated Financial Tutor who can offer advice about bursaries and financial assistance available in the College and University.

Chapel support 

The Chapel clergy team is available to everyone in College – of any faith or none – for pastoral support and conversation. They can provide a listening ear, and are happy to help you explore any matter that may be on your mind.

The Dean of Chapel, the Rev'd James Crockford, would be glad to hear from you – no issue is too big or too small. You can find out more about Chapel support on the Chapel contacts page.

Wellbeing and leisure resources

Our Quincentenary Library has a Personal Welfare section in the building at classmark PYW. These books cover topics ranging from study help to personal welfare and may be browsed and borrowed as normal. 

You may also be interested in the following:

  • The University's  and
  •  produced by Jesus students
  • The Quincentenary Librarian offers wildlife wanders to current Jesuans throughout the year; please contact the library to request a walk.

During Easter term the library has a collection of relaxation aids that are left out in the Garden Room, including colouring books, origami, jigsaws, and puzzles.

Other support

The undergraduate  has dedicated welfare officers who organise welfare provision and events dedicated to student wellbeing throughout the academic year. 

You can find out more about support available on . 

If you'd like any more information about the support that would be available to you, please email the Admissions team.

If you are a current student and would like to speak to someone urgently, please call the Porters' Lodge on +44 (0)1223 339339.

Hear from our students

  • Rachel Middleton


    Modern and Medieval Languages

    Studying Modern Languages at Cambridge is about much more than learning languages, although that is certainly a very important part! The course takes you through literature, history, and linguistics, beginning with a broad overview and becoming more specialised in the second and fourth years. Before starting Cambridge, I had never read or even come into contact with any medieval French literature, yet I have just completed a dissertation on women's speech in 12th century French romance. The third year is a compulsory year abroad, a wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself...

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    Modern and Medieval Languages
  • Photo of Medicine student



    I enjoy the strong scientific focus of the Medicine course at Cambridge for the first three pre-clinical years. The way the course is delivered is unique and, while it’s not for everyone, it is something that really pushes me. Despite the initial scientific focus, there is plenty of opportunity to see the clinical side with the ‘Preparing for Patients’ course, and through optional clinical sessions held by the upper year Jesus clinical medics. ÌÀÍ·ÌõÔ­´´ itself has such beautiful grounds and is a wonderful place to study. It has so...

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  • Photo of Philosophy student



    The most exciting element of the Philosophy course for me is the wide variety of topics it covers, bringing together aspects from a whole range of diverse subjects. In one week I could be working through a set of logic questions, writing an essay about Mill's thoughts on feminism, and attending lectures on personal identity and utilitarianism! This diversity in the course makes it an incredibly engaging and continuously fascinating subject to study. As well as giving me the chance to develop an array of practical, transferable skills, such as...

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  • Photo of Chemical Engineering student


    Chemical Engineering

    Reading Chemical Engineering at Jesus, I felt welcomed into a strong community of scientists and engineers, plus with a chemical engineering Fellow at the College, I received invaluable support for academic inspiration and career planning. The College also has thriving sports and social societies that are a very encouraging and motivational way to enjoy your hobbies as well as develop new skills. Chemical Engineering at Cambridge transforms your understanding of scientific and engineering principles, teaching you a breadth of knowledge in an environment that always challenges you to think beyond...

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    Chemical Engineering
  • Photo of Computer Science student


    Computer Science

    The combination of modern computing facilities, inspiring surroundings, and like minded people made ÌÀÍ·ÌõÔ­´´ a great place to study. After graduating I worked for a start up company before completing a PhD and now work as a computer vision specialist for a technical consultancy. The Cambridge Computer Science course is highly regarded by employers and the strong theoretical grounding ensures that it remains relevant even though the technology is constantly changing.

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    Computer Science